
Easily analyze and design construction elements with Diamonds


Diamonds is an easy-to-use finite element software for analysing and designing frames, beam grids, slabs, plates, rafts, and complete 3D structures in steel, concrete, and timber. Being a structural engineer, Diamonds will be your ideal tool to define model geometry, boundary conditions and loads quickly, and finally, analyse the in colours represented results. The visual input does not only mean an enormous save of time, but you also lower the risk of making mistakes, thanks to the model’s permanent visual control. Your learning curve is short – guaranteed. In no time, you are up and running with Diamonds.

Diamonds is the structural engineer’s natural working environment. Allowing for fully transparent management of your structural design analysis models, Diamonds accommodates itself to your needs and preferences. Its highly intuitive and versatile working environment enables you to do your job in the shortest possible time frame.

Diamonds’ analysis engine is based on the robust and powerful PARDISO sparse solver technology. Diamonds will solve simple 2D and complex 3D structural analysis models in no time by combining high-speed performance with minimal memory usage.

Through a series of well-planned Design Packs, Diamonds offers attractively priced solutions tailored to various customer needs. Any Design Pack can easily be extended to comply with evolving design analysis requirements.


Arvydas Kublickas


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Your design problems made easy

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