
Feed your Rhinoceros 3D platform with best apps for Rhino and Grasshopper.

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VisualARQ is a software adding flexible BIM functionality to Rhino. It gives such features as BIM integration, additional visualisation tools, and processing documentation for 2D and 3D models. The power to automate many modelling tasks through the VisualARQ visual programming components built for Grasshopper 3d. Finally, you can use VisualARQ to collaborate with other tools through the IFC import/export capabilities built into the software.

If you want to learn more about VisualARQ, click the link below!

Lands Design

Lands Design is the ultimate tool for landscape designers. You can use it in landscape architecture, green infrastructure, forestry, urban planning and visualisations. This software for professionals because of its mighty terrain and BIM/LIM modelling tools. You can choose more than 1800 species of plants, and can you can filter it by any specific criteria – climate, fructification, soil, etc. Lands design software can generate dynamic 2D documentation and parametric and even algorithmic modelling using Rhino and Grasshopper. It supports multiple file formats meaning that you can always share your projects easily. This add-on works with Rhinoceros 3D.

If you want to learn more about Lands Design, click the link below!


Karamba3D is a Finite Element program with advantages in several important respects: It is easy to use for non-experts, has been tailored to architects and engineers’ needs in the early design phase, works interactively, and costs slightly less than the rest. Karamba3D is fully embedding in the parametric environment of Grasshopper, which is a plug-in for the 3d modelling tool Rhinoceros. Karamba3D helps combine parameterised geometric models, finite element calculations and optimisation algorithms like Octopus or Galapagos.

If you want to learn more about Karamba3D, click the link below!

LimitState: Peregrine

Structural layout optimisation using algorithmic modelling in Grasshopper. Generate topologies that are highly efficient. Peregrine add in is mostly used to identify frame topologies with a great efficiency rate (minimum volume for example) for any given boundary conditions, supports, sets of loads and material properties.

If you want to learn more about LimitState: Peregrine, click the link below!


Veesus is based on XStream Engine, which is perfect tool for point cloud management. View, edit sets of massive point cloud data in full detail. There is a desktop and SolidWorks version, but most importantly, it works perfectly with Rhino 3D software.

Without the matter of you job object, Vessus is a perfect solution for site managers, surveyors, engineers or end users. It’s a tool that helps you to deal with complex point cloud data.

If you want to learn more about Veesus, click the link below!


The GSA-Grasshopper plugin will run GSA inside Grasshopper using GSA’s .NET API. You can create parametric models from scratch or open and edit existing models, carry out analysis in real-time, and view the results on the fly inside Rhino.

The GSA plugin enables computational design and automated workflows for structural engineers, utilising the powerful geometry engine in Rhino and the low-entry, visual scripting of Grasshopper.

If you want to learn more about GSA_GH, click the link below!

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